Digital Media Marketing Consulting & Training | USA & International

CMS Blog Platforms, Principals, Roles, Functions, Best Cases.

Best way to accomplish blog development is CMS content management system – wordrpess, weebly, wix. WordPress is front runner by capabilities. Main blog role is contextual marketing, searchable informative interactive content, organic search. Main functions – archives, categories, sharing, comments, feedback, communication with users, link building. My first WordPress website …

5 Tips To Max on SEO

Comparing to short term SEM Paid Ads (PPC Pay Per Click) Campaigns, SEO Search Engine Optimization is improving site engineering, design, navigation, structure and integrating it with Google which long term helps site to show up in natural or also called organic search results. To maximize your SEO, here are …

SEO Site Structure Must Be Search Engine Accessible

As much as we like visual effects, photos and ad banners, often they are not rendered on some internet platforms and more ever they are not accessible by Search Engines. Also, if you recently restructured you site, some pages might show in Google search results as broken links. This all …

SEO Site Crawl Errors

One of the important SEO steps is to check that your site in general and all internal URLs and directories have no crawl errors and accessible by Googlebot.                                 For inquires about DigiBizMarketing LLC SEO …

Google SEO WebMasters Tools

Some of the initial SEO steps to improve website quality, search results, and ultimately Google Page Rank are achieved with utilizing  powerful Google Webmasters Tools.                                        

4 Site Search Troubleshooting Tips

Your website is not doing well in Google Search? Follow these 4 troubleshooting steps: 1. Check that your site is in the Google index Do a site: search for its entire URL. Google, Don’t include a space between the site: operator and your domain name. If your site is …

Shorter URLs – Focus on Titles – More Clicks

You achieved your SEO goal and your business is now showing up in top research results among others including your competitors. Which post is going to get more views and clicks? One of the important cafeterias effecting this is a length of URLs. Based on MarketingSherpa Search Marketing Guide, it …

Information about DigiBizMarketing LLC SEO services.

DigiBizMarketing LLC SEO services include: 1. Utilize Digital Strategy Concepts and transform Web Analytics Data Reporting Tools into actionable Search Engine Optimization project with a goal to improve search results. 2. Review and follow webmaster guidelines: a) design/content, b) technical and c) quality. 3. Install Google Web Analytics and perform …