Digital Media Marketing Consulting & Training | USA & International

Google Golden SEO Rule – Less is More

New Industry Benchmarks for Mobile Page Speed – Think With @Google. Less bloating with images landing pages, more informative but concise content text & faster page load speed – trigger higher conversion rates! Any inquires on how to speed up & optimize your site according to Google SEO content, design, …

Set your preferred domain as www or non-www

The preferred domain or sometimes also referred as the canonical domain is the one that you would like to be used to index your site’s pages.  Links may point to your site using both the and The preferred domain is the one you want to show up in …

SEO Site Crawl Errors

One of the important SEO steps is to check that your site in general and all internal URLs and directories have no crawl errors and accessible by Googlebot.                                 For inquires about DigiBizMarketing LLC SEO …

DigiBizMarketing LLC SEO Services

DigiBizMarketing LLC SEO services include: 1. Utilize Digital Strategy Concepts and transform Web Analytics Data Reporting Tools into actionable SEO project. 2. Review and follow webmaster guidelines:  a) design/content, b) technical and c) quality guidelines. 3. Install Google Web Analytics and perform a keyword research. 4. Provide, Install, Test, and …

4 Site Search Troubleshooting Tips

Your website is not doing well in Google Search? Follow these 4 troubleshooting steps: 1. Check that your site is in the Google index Do a site: search for its entire URL. Google, Don’t include a space between the site: operator and your domain name. If your site is …